Food and Recycling Specialists

Our aim is to help and encourage businesses to reduce their waste and carbon footprint by offering individual and effective solutions for all of their food and recycling needs.

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Waste Management is an industry of ever changing legislation.

Why is this?

Target sets within Europe mean that by 2020 as a nation we have to demonstrate that we recycle a minimum of 50% with a potential further increase to 80% by 2030. Landfill sites are getting full, which means we all have a responsibility to recycle more and more of our waste.

How does this affect my business and when?

As a business if you create waste you will already have a level of compliance to adhere to starting with the Pre-treatment of waste act 2007.

If your business produces food waste then legislation is either in place or coming soon depending on where you are in the UK. If your business uses a macerator be prepared as this method of disposal is and will become redundant.

TEEP due to roll out in January 2015 will be the next big direct impact on how your recyclates are collected and treated with hefty fines coming your way for any contaminated loads.

Now for the good bit

  • Recycling saves you money
  • You don’t have to worry about any of the above as Enviro-waste as your waste experts take this on board for you to ensure your business is compliant with both existing and pending legislation
  • How much will it cost my business for a full waste / recycling report?  More good news it is free*
  • We can help whether you produce 250 KG’s of waste a week day or 10 tonnes a day, we have the solution

*Based on any business producing upwards of 250 KG’s of waste a week

To book your free waste site survey get in touch now