Food Waste Management: The Revolution

Reduce 10 bins of food waste to just two
Food waste is dirty, heavy, smelly… and costly to get rid of. Revolutionize how you deal with food waste, and drastically reduce your disposal costs…

We know what goes on in kitchens and catering, and we know how food waste management can be a headache.

It’s time to improve food waste disposal:

  • Latest food waste station enables you to reduce the amount of food waste going into bins by 70-80%
  • Small footprint, installs in your kitchen: yet can process 600-700kg of food waste an hour!
  • Waste output is grey water and complies with all UK legislation
  •  No capital expenditure required.  A simple monthly equipment hire that includes everything.  The savings start immediately.

Commercial volumes: This equipment is for commercial catering facilities generating large amounts of food waste.

Doesn’t require changing waste carrier: Does not require changing your general waste arrangements: we simply enable you to separate food waste into smaller bins and avoid smells, leaks, and contamination of recyclables.

We have installed the Food Waste Station in schools, shopping centres, banqueting facility kitchens, large office blocks etc – If you are not sure exactly which equipment is right for you, just ask us.

We will visit your facility and give you honest, logical advice. With the right equipment, personnel training, and processes, food waste stops being a headache. Get started with the clean, efficient, modern way. Join the revolution.

Call Now: 0845 544 2362

[Sales: 9am-5pm Monday-Friday, or: Request A Call Back]

Food Waste Is Mostly Water

4 palettes - 2 tons - of fruit waste reduce to...

Just one small dry food waste caddy
Fruit and vegetables in food waste can be reduced massively in volume, saving large amounts of bin weight and disposal costs.

The costs your facility currently incurs to dispose of food waste are mostly down to the high volume and weight… which is 60-80% water.

This is why our solution for you begins by setting you up with the latest food waste de-watering equipment.

The machine centrifuges water out of waste and turns any type of food waste into a dry, sawdust-like processed waste in compact, clean caddies ready for disposal.

Your food waste volume is reduced by 80% and your facility’s overall waste disposal costs are accordingly slashed.

The Enviro-Waste Food Waste Station EWPR163:

  • Takes up little space
  • Can cleanly process tonnes of food waste per day
  • Is safe and easy to operate
  • Is fully covered for maintenance under your rental agreement

In addition to the machinery we will help you put in place the  processes and policies to ensure your team are using it to dispose of food waste in the new way, correctly and safely.

We will also arrange collection of your food waste as part of an overall waste management solution.

Call Now: 0845 544 2362

Key Points

Who is the Food Waste Station for?
Facilities producing large amounts of food waste. This includes restaurants, hotels, schools, shopping centres, resorts, and office blocks or business centres with canteens.

Where can the Food Waste Station be installed?
Anywhere and we will advise about the best location based on your kitchen plan.

How is the processed food waste disposed of?
We will solve the removal of processed food waste for you as part of your Waste Management Program.

Can we see the equipment in action?
Yes, we can arrange visits for you at active sites where the kitchen is using our systems.

How can we get costs and proposals?
Please contact us directly stating your approximate scale of waste disposal or food waste volumes.

Enviro-Waste Food Station – EWPR163
The Enviro-Waste Food Station easily handles bones, shell fish, corn cobs, rinds, shells — and is extremely easy to use. Reduce the amount of food waste going into bins by 70-80%

Food Waste Disposal Alternatives

Mixing food into general waste is very expensive because of the bin storage and frequent rubbish collections that you are paying for. This volume can be reduced by 80% simply by having the correct de-watering equipment.

Macerators and flushing food waste down the drain is the unpleasant default disposal method… of the last century. This is often an even worse practice because of inevitable costs unblocking drains. Additionally this old-fashioned approach is unsuitable for large volumes of food waste. In contrast, food disposal flow that incorporates a de-watering machine will deal with huge volumes of food waste and the only thing going into the drains is water.

Anaerobic digestion systems. Although environmentally better than disposal of food into general waste, anaerobic digestion plants require significant space and have hard capacity limits. Furthermore the disgusting smell of literally decomposing waste is not something that endears this solution to your team.

The footprint of our de-watering equipment is less, can process higher volumes of food, and is cleaner and more pleasant to use inside your kitchen.

Food waste is an essential part of your processes to address: by reducing drastically the number of waste collections you will require, your sustainability increases and carbon footprint reduces.

If you have any questions around waste management on your site please don’t hesitate to ask.

We have advised and implemented improvements on a wide range of different facilities across the UK and we can provide the full range of waste management services including

compactor hire and waste consumables resupply.

Call Now: 0845 544 2362